Sonntag, 29. April 2012

Poor boys

Sometimes I feel pity for all boys.
In a relationship they have to be in line with the expectations of their partner - who is in most cases a girl.
And I have to admit that it's very difficult to fulfill the prospects of a woman - that's the reason why I feel sympathy for those men.

When I have a partner, on the one hand I expect him to be very nice to me: he has to talk to me in a kind voice - not in this impervious voice he uses to have in conversations with all the other people. He has to listen carefully and he has to be insightful, especially when I'm sad or excited.
I want him to assure that he loves me and that he loves my body plenty times a day.
I want him to show me that it's important for him that I love him.
I want him to say romantic things in romantic places and doing romantic things.

To put it another way he has to be soft.

On the other hand  I don't wanna have a pussy cat as boyfriend - by no means!
I'm very disgusted when my boyfriend shows his weak side in the wrong time. I just want him to speak in a cute manner when I need it but at no other time. Mostly I want him to speak in a very masculine way.
I want him to show his cool side, his macho side but without being detached or frigid.
I want him to be jealous but not in the "Uh the other child took my lolly-way" but rather in the "that's my bitch you douchbag-way" .
I want him to be possessive and dominant - but also tender.
He has to seem aloof but to be close.

Perhaps I could help some boys with the text but I don't think it gets easier for men.
 I know that's very hard and unfair but I can't help myself. At least I commiserate with you.

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