Having a cattitude
Dienstag, 22. Mai 2012
Dienstag, 8. Mai 2012
Soccer EM in Ukraine
Topic of the day.It's everywhere in the radios, on TV screens and in case of the loss of any electronics people talk about it.
I have to admit I'm not very interested in that sport, as a matter of fact I think it's ridiculous to watch any sport. I can't see any sense in watching something which is designed to do it - NOT to watch it. But that's just my opinion.
Though I've decided to write about the EM.
Not having a opinion in such a controversial discussion would be a sign of mental dullness.
I know where the EM takes place although that's the last fact I'm interested in - that reason alone is a sign of something has got out of hands concerning the EM 2012.
With the facts coming up about the case Timoschenko and the common treatment of prisoners in Ukraine for many people the EM became a case of conscience.
Should the EM take place in a country where people are treated so badly?
Men, that question is long gone - it takes place there no matter what - UEFA decided that way and it won't let look this decision like a fallacy.( They did never fail did they? : http://www.toonpool.com/user/636/files/euro_2012_1669365.jpg )
All that discussion about that is just pretending - really stop it.
Moreover one argument is right: politics and sports should not be handled like one but like two things.
That's for theory - reality looks different.
Many people don't want politics to intervene in soccer. Why didn't the claim this all the time before when it intervened? For example when the State mobilizes thousands of cops to guarantee for the security of the visitors or when politicians come to the games (which besides brings more furore and in this wise money for all the soccer thingis).
Oh now I know why they haven't complained - because all those past actions supported soccer...
Furthermore I'm surprised folks begins to revolt now.
There had been "signs" (very nice word in this case) that the Ukraine might not be the perfect country.
For example when they killed many many streetdogs. And not in any human way but in a very cruel way - some burned alive and aware.
Strangely enough at this time few voices were raised.
Is it such a big step in thoughts that a country who treats other mammals so badly might be treating humans also in this way?
Was this not enough to say" We won't let the EM take place in the Ukraine" ?
Obviously not - the UEFA even didn't care very much not before some popular people and animal welfare groups raised their voices. And even then the UEFA just said : "Please lovely Ukraine please don't do that" completing its sentence in its thoughts with "...or I won't do anything".
In my honest opinion eventually your decision if you will go the EM in Ukraine or not won't change anything.
There are significantly more effective ways for changing those grievances.
Who knows if the people who arrested Timoschenko are even present in the stadiums.
Anyhow those responsible are not those who are selling you a hotdog in the stadium.
Don't know what I shall think about SAT 1 canceling the broadcast of the EM (at least I know about one canceled game broadcast 9th May). On the one hand I like that pointing the way but on the other hand if I'm objective I think the Ukraine gives a fuck, instead the German fans are pissed - so probably it wasn't such a good idea.
Anyway, soccer isn't a sports anymore.
Sports means fairness, team spirit, fun - can't see that in soccer where players are bought like meat at the butchers and persistently changing teams , all the hatred between the different teams (especially their fans), kickers being afraid of admitting that they are gay since in that case the others would bully them and all the strain on the players and the trainers.
Sonntag, 29. April 2012
Poor boys
Sometimes I feel pity for all boys.In a relationship they have to be in line with the expectations of their partner - who is in most cases a girl.
And I have to admit that it's very difficult to fulfill the prospects of a woman - that's the reason why I feel sympathy for those men.
When I have a partner, on the one hand I expect him to be very nice to me: he has to talk to me in a kind voice - not in this impervious voice he uses to have in conversations with all the other people. He has to listen carefully and he has to be insightful, especially when I'm sad or excited.
I want him to assure that he loves me and that he loves my body plenty times a day.
I want him to show me that it's important for him that I love him.
I want him to say romantic things in romantic places and doing romantic things.
To put it another way he has to be soft.
On the other hand I don't wanna have a pussy cat as boyfriend - by no means!
I'm very disgusted when my boyfriend shows his weak side in the wrong time. I just want him to speak in a cute manner when I need it but at no other time. Mostly I want him to speak in a very masculine way.
I want him to show his cool side, his macho side but without being detached or frigid.
I want him to be jealous but not in the "Uh the other child took my lolly-way" but rather in the "that's my bitch you douchbag-way" .
I want him to be possessive and dominant - but also tender.
He has to seem aloof but to be close.
Perhaps I could help some boys with the text but I don't think it gets easier for men.
I know that's very hard and unfair but I can't help myself. At least I commiserate with you.
Freitag, 20. April 2012
The pleasure of presenting
Every year one can watch the same occasion the same time.When it's the Season many people are panicking all about getting and buying presents. They are storming the malls with desperate faces, pushing and shoving in the shops surrounded by fellows in misery.
Many people find that so annoying so that they just present money - very popular around the parents of children who are older than 25.
Some people just don't know the persons well enough, they want to endow and either they do it like the older parents or they ask the person what he wants and that is what he will get.
So more and more people are coming to an understanding with their beloveds not to buy any presents, since there is no sense in exchanging the same amount of money or presenting something that the other one would have bought anyway and cost a similar amount of money as the present one gets from the other one.
In my opinion those people haven't caught the meaning of presenting.
Don't get me wrong - there's nothing wrong with presenting a gift which the other one has wished particularly. But if we are honest when someone asks us "What we desire" we can't remember one single wish at that moment (even if a lot of wishes have come to our mind during the past year) or we just don't know what to wish and so we answer something we need or we would've bought anyway.
And that is what presenting not should be like: Getting and giving gifts like money, something one would have had anyway or even nothing.
The mistake is already in the approach. Making a gift is not a matter of one day. It's a matter of a lot of days.
To find the perfect gift there's the need for listening carefully to the other person - listening to the things which are said and those which are not. Watching the other person and recording the topics which make the person's eyes light up. And by this means one gathers enough informations to be able to think about a present the other one will really like.
The best presents are those of which you didn't know that you had wanted them.
For example if someone goes swimming three times a week and is raving about the beaches in Italy moreover a lot of his accessoires and clothes are purple the right present might be a valuable and extravagant purple bikini, if you get my meaning.
You just need to watch and listen carefully and think a little bit on your own and I promise you will find the perfect present.
Of course this is not possible with every person, but it should be with those you really like and who are really important to you .
Montag, 16. April 2012
about getting old
When I was 14 the world was my oyster. I had my first holiday without my parents, I danced in the Spanish discotheques all night long and I thought I was going to be a designer or an artist. My parents were two people who were very unfair every now and then and I loved yet.This year I'm going to turn 20.
And I had to come to the conclusion that I'm old - at the age of twenty -.-'
There had been indications.
Well, me whining about backache.
Me not being up to undergoing.
Me understanding my parents
Just to name some points on the long list of evidences.
But the straw to break the camels back was yesterday.
I went to the fair with my little sister. And we were on a funfair ride. Just one of those which are spinning very wildly.
I got very sick during our ride. That means my vestibulocochlear organ has leveled off in other words my girlhood is over.
When one is young he needs the rocking motion to stimulate his sense of balance. Once this process is concluded one gets sick
Now I feel old for real..
But the question is why is everybody so afraid of getting old?
Age is not only a bad thing. Just with our society being fixated on youth we often forget about the advantages like knowledge and wisdom.
Just one more evidence that we have to think out of the "society box"
Since there are many topics much more delicate and in those cases our society does the same thing as in that case.
Samstag, 14. April 2012
Tarot cards, Crystal balls and astrology
Recently my gummy bears tarot was lying in my living room. I was just sitting at my desk and working on the PC when I heard a desperate cry. Shortly afterwards my boyfriend burst into the room and resentfully asked: "You do NOT believe in that, do you???" (He spoke the word "that" in a very disgusted voice), holding up my tarot. I pried the tarot cards and the tarot book out of his hands and answered fretfully: "Don't read or take it if you don't like it!"After that incident I mulled over all those things as tarot cards, crystal balls and horoscopes.
I'm not like "Oh my horoscope says today will happen something bad, I better stay in bed all day long", if you take my meaning.
But sometimes, when I'm not sure what to do - or rather when I'm not sure what I want to do, I consult my tarot cards or my decision dice and at times also my "Unazukin-doll".
I do not blindly obey the answers of those decision aids, anyway they help me to decide. It's not so much about the answers those things give but about how those answers feel for me. Either the esoteric reply feels good for me, then I know that this decision is right or I look at the answer very unhappily, then I know I should chose the opposite way.
Polling tarot cards etc. is not so much about believing in esoteric (even if some people do) but about getting clear about the own feelings and wishes.
Dienstag, 10. April 2012
Generation of thieves
I like the 80s and the 50s and the 60s. I really do.I don't like the 70s.
But although I'm not into the 70s I think they're much better than the 90s and the years after the millennium.
I've to admit the colors of the 70s were terrible but at least the 70s had colors and I can't affirm that about the latest years.
The colors of the second millennium are snitched and so are cuts. Seems like we've ran out of ideas - not only in fashion but also in political attitudes and art.
Our generation hasn't made up a single thing itself at all. Rather we took a step aback. With us electing conservative partys and being conservative ourselves certainly it is impossible to take a step forward, to be innovative.
I don't affirm everyone of our generation is like that, but in my opinion many of us are like that. It's common practice to sit around drinking alcohol, smoking weed and to wallow in the "none taken" attitude.
We're just boring - future generations won't remember us.
But I'm not in the position to attach blame - I'm also part of this "non-movement". I'm perhaps a little bit more interested than the most of us - but not enough to take blame on you.
And so there's me taking part in being a filcher and getting angry if someone advises me of my loss of interest.
Yeah, I am ashamed but that doesn't help a change - perhaps I'm not ashamed enough, perhaps I'm much more lacy than I thoght.
But I'm trying. I'm seeking for those awkward conversations, looking for people who confront me with my goof-ups. I pretty hate this conversations I even get very angry and get loud with my conversation-partners. But after that when I'm sitting alone on the sofa the experience works on me.
And in this moments I'm taking a tiny step forward and changes my behavior - just a little bit - but at least it changes.
And perhaps just perhaps, if enough of us do such things sometimes, we will be able to hoist the flag - not a foreign flag but our own.
Sonntag, 8. April 2012
How to party
Recently my neighbors living in the same house invited me to their party.It started with orange juice and ended with the police saying to the host:"What the fuck - your apartment is looking like a slaughterhouse."
In this story occurs a frying pan, four men, three women, the police and very very much noodles - oh yeah and some blood.
Have a look at the photos made AFTER cleaning up and make up the story yourselves:
One attend that the poster on the wall is a picture of American Psycho...
No animals were harmed - except two monkeys calling themselves men.
Now I'm thinking about selling the wall on ebay as epic artwork - but that may be at odds with my neigbors.
Donnerstag, 5. April 2012
Yella is MAD!
Update: new scriptwriter is number one on my hate-list!I've watched the latest Supernatural season 6 and in my opinion the end of this season sucks much more than the ending of season 5 or even season 4!
I already had this bad feeling in my gut about the development of the character Cass when they showed the future visions in season 5 - you know Cass being a sex guru hippie whatever?
And now I had to notice that at the end of season 6 all my nightmares are coming true: Sir scriptwriter you have just ruined my favorite character. Shame on you!
What did you do to little Cass???? Were you drunk writing the script? Supernatural scriptwriter you're a big fat douchebag! Hope you'll fix it in season 7.
Cass: I - am - GOD!
Seriously - what the fuck????
Last time I watched a film at the flicks it was "Devil inside":
There you can watch the trailer::
There you can watch the trailer::
Since I really really love Horrormovies ( my poor boyfriend doesn't like them very much and has to watch them all of the time on account of me), it's needless to say that I had to watch this movie.
Furthermore it happens to be that I'm very adducted to films that deal with the topic exorcism.
So I was cozily sitting in my cinema chair filled with expectation and the film began.
Wide-eyed I was watching the movie and the longer it took the better I found it. In spite of the rickety camera work - a stylistic device I don't really approve - the flick raised my hackles. The persons who were possessed really gave me the creeps and the blood that occurred looked very real.
The film had some really nasty scenes for example when one sees the scurf on the possessed people's faces.
So far, so good. But when I went out of the saloon I was pretty disappointed.
What could have happened in the last 5 minutes that has changed my mind so expeditiously?
Well - nothing: The film had a very pulsating scene - cut - and then - nothing. The end. In the middle of the film. No one in the hall could believe it. That should be the end? No end? I felt so unsatisfied.
So many questions left - neither it was a good end, nor it was a bad end. So both - the fans of happy endings and the fans of sinister endings - were just gutted.
A film with high potential which leaves you unslaked in front of the screen.
I'm pretty sure lots of people hate the scriptwriter of "Devil inside". Perhaps he just got possessed and couldn't end his script - in this case: Sorry Mr.Scriptwriter - sorry for all my bad whishes to you. In any other case: Screw you!
Today I had an epiphany: Now I know how these plush microphones are made!
You know just those they're using on the newscast when they're outside and there is much wind.
And it happened like this:
My cat (it is a Norwegian forest Cat) dropped my headset and rubbed her head on it.
So when I woke up in the morning and picked it up, it looked just like this:
Hence I know that my little cat Coco is secretly working for the microphone industry - I'm still shocked.
Perhaps I'll send a letter to the Secretary of State for Employment and ask him for advocating against cat labour.
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