Dienstag, 22. Mai 2012

next post will be about what we should do if we were tiny - like hide in the puncture of a sponge so as to sleep and so as no one will find one to send him to work

Dienstag, 8. Mai 2012

Soccer EM in Ukraine

Topic of the day.
It's everywhere in the radios, on TV screens and in case of the loss of any electronics people talk about it.
I have to admit I'm not very interested in that sport, as a matter of fact I think it's ridiculous to watch any sport. I can't see any sense in watching something which is designed to do it - NOT to watch it. But that's just my opinion.
Though I've decided to write about the EM.
Not having a opinion in such a controversial discussion would be a sign of mental dullness.

I know where the EM takes place although that's the last fact I'm interested in - that reason alone is a sign of something has got out of hands concerning the EM 2012.

With the facts coming up about the case Timoschenko and the common treatment of prisoners in Ukraine for many people the EM became a case of conscience.

Should the EM take place in a country where people are treated so badly?
Men, that question is long gone - it takes place there no matter what - UEFA decided that way and it won't let look this decision like a fallacy.( They did never fail did they? : http://www.toonpool.com/user/636/files/euro_2012_1669365.jpg )
All that discussion about that is just pretending - really stop it.

Moreover one argument is right: politics and sports should not be handled like one but like two things.
That's for theory - reality looks different.
Many people don't want politics to intervene in soccer. Why didn't the claim this all the time before when it intervened? For example when the State mobilizes thousands of cops to guarantee for the security of the visitors or when politicians come to the games (which besides brings more furore and in this wise money for all the soccer thingis).
Oh now I know why they haven't complained - because all those past actions supported soccer...

Furthermore I'm surprised folks begins to revolt now.
There had been "signs" (very nice word in this case) that the Ukraine might not be the perfect country.
For example when they killed many many streetdogs. And not in any human way but in a very cruel way - some burned alive and aware.

Strangely enough at this time few voices were raised.
Is it such a big step in thoughts that a country who treats other mammals so badly might be treating humans also in this way?

Was this not enough to say" We won't let the EM take place in the Ukraine" ?
Obviously not - the UEFA even didn't care very much not before some popular people and animal welfare groups raised their voices. And even then the UEFA just said : "Please lovely Ukraine please don't do that" completing its sentence in its thoughts with "...or I won't do anything".

In my honest opinion eventually your decision if you will go the EM in Ukraine or not won't change anything.
There are significantly more effective ways for changing those grievances.
Who knows if the people who arrested Timoschenko are even present in the stadiums.
Anyhow those responsible are not those who are selling you a hotdog in the stadium.

Don't know what I shall think about SAT 1 canceling the broadcast of the EM (at least I know about one canceled game broadcast 9th May). On the one hand I like that pointing the way but on the other hand if I'm objective I think the Ukraine gives a fuck, instead the German fans are pissed - so probably it wasn't such a good idea.

Anyway, soccer isn't a sports anymore.
Sports means fairness, team spirit, fun - can't see that in soccer where players are bought like meat at the butchers and persistently changing teams , all the hatred between the different teams (especially their fans), kickers being afraid of admitting that they are gay since in that case the others would bully them and all the strain on the players and the trainers.